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Friday, December 16, 2011

Negara Republik

Impian seorang Budak Kampung.

1. Saya selalu mengimpikan Sarawak merdeka dari Persekutuan Malaysia dan menjadi Sebuah negara merdeka dan berdaulat. Namun begitu, ini cuma mimpi ngeri sahaja kerana bukannya senang untuk merdeka daripada sesebuah negara yang baru dibentuk. Selatan Sudan telah berjuang berdekad-dekad untuk menuntut kemerdekaan dari persekutuan dan banyak darah telah diitumpahkan. Begitu jua dengan Timur Leste dimana ramai "pemberontak" telah terkorban di tangan Tentera Nasional Indonesia. Banyak lagi peristiwa yang dasyat berlaku dalam proses kemerdekaan sesebuah negara.

2. Sarawak merupakan negeri terbesar dalam Malaysia dan mempunyai hasil bumi yang sangat banyak. Balak, Minyak dan Gas asli, Arang Batu dan banyak lagi. Namun, Sarawak tetap mundur dan masih diketegorikan sebagai negeri termiskin. Mengapakah ini boleh berlaku dan dimanakah hasil bumi Sarawak?

3. Kalau dahulu British memperkenalkan sistem ekonomi terbuka dan sistem pelajaran standard Cambridge ke Sarawak. Sarawak membangun dengan pesat walaupun British membawa pulang hasil bumi ke Britian ekoran revolusi Industri (Industrial Revolution). Namun Ratu tidak menabaikan kebajikan rakyat Sarawak. Bandar Kuching terus dimajukan dan menjadi pusat pentadbiran. Miri turut dibangunkan untuk mengali minyak.

4. Selepas Sarawak menyertai Malaysia pada tahun 1963, Sarawak telah jatuh kedalam jajahan baru, iaitu Jajahan Malaya. Apa yang Sarawak nikmati hari ini adalah hasil daripada "kecuaian" pemimpin kita masa pra-suruhanjaya Cobbold. Kita akui bahawa kesultanan Brunei tidak dapat memajukan Sarawak memandangkan Kesultanan Brunei adalah kerajaan yang lemah. Sebab itu Sarawak diserahkan kepada James Brooke dan seterusnya di ambil alih oleh Kerajaan British selepas dinasti Brooke

5. Tindakan terburu-buru dalam pempersetujui Suruhanjaya Cobbold adalah titik tolak memyebabkan Sarawak jatuh ke lembah kehancuran. Selepas 1963, kerajaan persekutuan mengubah semua sistem secara mendadak. Sistem Pelajaran standard Cambridge ditukar kepada sistem pendidikan kebangsaan dan semua sekolah mengguna bahasa penghantar, Bahasa Malaysia. Hasil bumi disalurkan ke Tanah Melayu dan Sarawak mendapat sedikit pulangan daripada sumbangan tersebut. Pemimpin Dayak digulingkan untuk memartabatkan penguasaan etnik Melayu dalam politik negara.

6. Apakah kesalahan Sarawak sekiranya mereka tidak menyertai persekutun Malaysia? Tiada. Sarawak mungkin akan jatuh ke tangan Indonesia. Itulah sebab Sukaerno mengistiharkan konfrantasi untuk menjadikan Sarawak sebahagian daripada Indonesia raya. Namun, Brunei tidak di apakan-apakan oleh keturunan Suluk walaupun mereka memilih untuk tidak menyertai persekutuan.

7. Menyertai Tanah Melayu bukan sahaja satu kesilapan malah kehancuran kepada Sarawak. Saya amat mencemburui Hong Kong yang begitu maju semasa pemerintahan British. Jajahan British adalah lebih baik daripada Jajahan Malaya. Namum begitu berkerajaan sendiri itu adalah lebih baik.

8. Hari ini Sarawak terpaksa akur dengan syarat-syarat yang dikenakan oleh Malaya dan terus dipimpin oleh diktator. Walaupun Malaya memperkenalkan sistem raja berpelembagaan, Sarawak tidak bernaung di bawah raja kerana Sarawak bukan tanah orang melayu. Mahu tidak mahu mereka terpaksa akur dengan sistem yang tidak relevan. Sistem demokrasi dan kerajaan yang adil juga tidak dilihat di Sarawak. Diktator terus di kekalkan demi menguatkan kuasa Jajahan Malaya. Sungguhpun rakyat sarawak tidak menyukai diktator, mereka terpaksa akur kerana mereka telah lama hidup miskin dan bergantungan pada ekonomi ala Kesultanan Siam. Kena hantar ufti kalau tak nak negeri di serang askar.

9. Sebenarnya Sarawak ini sangat elok. Rakyatnya aman damai, Masjid boleh didirikan di tepi Gereja. Hari Jumaat Masjid riuh dan Gereja sunyi. Hari ahad, Gereja pula riuh dan masjid sunyi. Orang Sarawak tidak membakar rumah ibadat agama lain. Gerai Mee babi boleh berada berdekatan gerai mee jawa. Inilah yang dinamakan freedom of choice di Sarawak. Cina tak paksa melayu makan babi dan melayu tak larang cina jual babi. Masing-masing berusaha untuk memperbaiki taraf hidup.Persefahaman yang kukuh itu terhasil daripada pererimaan terbuka semua kaum untuk memahami kehendak pelbagai etnik.

10. Apakah mungkin Sarawak akan menjadi negara republik? Tiada raja, berkerajaan sendiri dan bebas dari cengkaman jajahan Malaya? Perlukah pertumpahan darah sekira kita menuntut merdeka? Bersediakah Sarawak untuk berkerajaan sendiri dan menghentikan pemerintahan diktator? 48 tahun dalam jajahan Malaya dan 20 tahun dalam pemerintahan diktator cukup menyusahkan rakyat Sarawak yang sepatutnya menikmati hidup yang berkelimpahan dari hasil buminya tanpa diekspoitasi oleh orang lain.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Dayak to be kept poor for ease of control

One of the most effective way to hold power is using divide-and-rule tactics such as being employed wholeheartedly by Yang Dikasihi over the Dayaks here in Sarawak. Exactly the same tactics deployed by the early White Rajahs to control Sarawak in vast area while keep limiting the area of original Brunei sultanate into the present size till today. Yang Dikasihi merely perfecting those tactics now even to the point of Dayaks basically being politically castrated. When my arguements appeared at Dayak Baru scores of Yang Dikasihi goons apparent anger is understandable but expected. Truth hurts don’t they? The following are my arguements:

Dayak to be kept poor for ease of control: That’s how the ignorant, ill-informed and brain-dead Dayaks will keep BN relevant.

These groups of Dayaks, mostly rural dwellers, constitute 80% of all Dayaks statewide. The reason why state Dayak BN MPs, ADUNs are getting their votes got nothing to do with so-called fantasy politic of development but it just that BN bonking, humping on Dayaks’ sheer ignorance, being ill-informed and being brain-dead stupid of how phony and dopey BN actually for all these 50 years to them and basically just make this to happen: kept these Dayaks poor for ease of control.

The word ‘poor’ meanwhile is multi-dimensional. For Dayak YBs, they first and foremost must in control of all projects as much as possible, greed and self-interest it is. For Dayak civil servants, they rest assured with their livelihood, pensions, easy access for government loans, as long they are staunch ball-carriers for life. The longhouse headmen will be very much happy to accept few fake Martells and will sing like canary to all his minions and goons to just vote BN. And yes, the meager RM10 per vote will do for each Dayak voters. That is how much BN willfully spend by hook or by crook, to keep the Dayaks poor and keep begging for more since their source of cold hard cash is from BN. Democracy after all, has always been ruled by mischief through the highest bidder, a capitalist version of socialism.

Laissez faire, the French arse might say, is the basis of both democracy and capitalism. Majority voices formed the bulk of force that gives authority to the highest bidder which means intelligence conscience does not play any role since stupidity after all equates greed and that is the gravest flaw of democracy. It doesn’t regard how genuine the votes are and BN merely amplified the democracy’s boondoggles: vote buying, phantom voters, postal voters, any dubious means possible as stupidity deemed easily affordable sunk cost for BN. No shit but stupidity is a great commodity for BN.

These Dayaks, being poor and helpless is the product of their own backwardness and systematic delaying tactics deployed by govt. Take roads for instance. To comprehensively connect all rural Dayak areas statewide by roads by crossing rivers and cutting through hills and mountains will require Bank Negara to bust. Maybe RM500 billion cost? But no, BN for heaven sake will not spend that for some jungle-lurking animist lunatics. For what? To make them enjoy basic modernity and finally make them realise how stupid for them to vote BN? Ignorance make Dayaks being smokescreen by BN, always hoping for the best that BN will serve them as caring government. Waiting and delaying yet keep voting to get almost nothing. Plain stupid isn’t it?

Maybe some will question the rationality of the percentage of these Dayaks derived. But none of you question the rationality of why BN YBs are still getting votes despite delaying the heavens they have promised. 80% is a good number, as long as the Dayak BN YBs’ concentration of majority voters are from these Dayaks they will continue to win despite all the lies, delaying the heavens they’ ve promised.

Ok, being ill-informed basically an obligatory result from these delaying tactics by BN. Bundled with limited news exposure (no TVs, newspapers and sorry, durian is no Blackberry to get online) to let them duly informed how phony BN actually are. Palm oil is paraded as the greatest fruit ever to grace their life from poverty. As much as corn being mandated by US congressmen as the patriotic weed for Mid-West American farmers so as to tell the Arab sheikhs that mandating corn biofuels production anytime outlast their oil gone for good, only to make more people hungry worldwide resulting riots in places like Haiti so bad even zombies facing food shortages for voodoo rituals.Being ill-informed of how speculative, volatile palm oil prices in nature yet these Dayaks are being duped into the Swisscash-Walton combined equivalent scheme. You will not see much money and your NCR lands either. So how does that Martel taste huh? Fake, good spirits like Sahip or Benson, no?

Being unable to identify fake Martel to a Benson liquor brand summed up the intelligence level of these Dayaks. Almost self-explanatory. When you are poor, you tend to beg for mercy and derail your logic judgment therefore leading you into the brink of ignorance and close-mindedness. Enter the total abyss of sanity, blackholed into the state of brain-dead. Dayaks can only obey BN in the end, after being kept poor for ease of control.

How the Sarawak opposition can at least subdue these Dayaks:

- use same monotonous colour on their logos (dark blue and white), as close to BN logo. Remember that Martel-Benson differential tips? Right.

- urge the Dayaks to keep BN money and vote for them instead. You can only ask for more!

- project palm oil as ridiculously dopey as durian: highly seasoned in price, useless in abundance and outright NCR land daylight burglary.

- slogan: “Your vote reflects your stupidity” kind of themes. “Nobody can cheat you if you’re not stupid”or “Palm oil is donkey’s favourite kuih jala” is ok also.

- instead of writing “X” of voting paper, ask the Dayaks use “tick sign” instead. It’s a sign of approval while “X” is a sign of hatred so they always write “tick sign” on BN vote. Spoilt votes you might say but hey, they can’t tell Martell from Benson right?

Being ignorant, ill-informed, brain-dead stupid is definitely a big advantage for BN, not for Dayaks. BN has been using and abusing Dayaks’ low-intelligence to their gains that now for opposition to do is doing some of it but in more opposingly chaotic, effectively timely, efficient manners. Jokes aside, which party being relevant is highly dependent on how well you can keep Dayak voters’ intelligence at low level, thus making them poor enough to gain control on them.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Tranformasi Kerajaan Sarawak

Pada tanggal 16.4.2011 akan bakal mencatat sejarah negeri Sarawak, mungkin berlakunya perubahan pentadbiran kerajaan yang korup yang dikenali sebagai tranformasi kerajaan Sarawak....

Pergi, jangan tak pergi. Pangkah Orang Lama keluar dari ADUN Sarawak. Awang Tengah sekali kasi tendang sama dia. Jangan kita hari ini cakap macam ini tapi esok cakap lain pulak. Sedang kita memangkah kertas undi ingatkan diri sendiri tentang satu perkara penting: 30, 40, 50 tahun dah awak pangkah lambang yang sama tapi setiap tahun nasib orang kampung awak masih tidak terbela; makin celaka ada lah pulak. Apa kata awak pangkah lambang ayam, atau roket atau cacing pulak? Lepas tu kita tengok apa akan jadi. Kalau masih tak ada perubahan, kita berbalik kepada lambang Dacing Taib Mahmud. Bukan kita hendak lupakan dia sekaligus, tak, kita cuma nak try cuba uji testing sesuatu yang tak biasa kita buat.

BECAUSE, tuan-tuan dan puan-puan, selagi gang Taib mendapat majoriti besar selagi itu lah Taib tak akan berundur dari ofis Kepala Menteri Sarawak. Dia tak akan tewas di Kerusi Balingian. Sampai bila-bila pun dia tak akan tewas. Tetapi satu perkara kita boleh buat – jatuhkan orang-orang dia di kerusi masing-masing. Gagalkan dominasi dua-pertiga atau tiga-perempat. Kesurutan majoriti dalam bentuk ini akan memberikan tamparan hebat kepada dia. Rasa hormat Najib dan BN Malaya pada dia pun akan surut, dan ini sekaligus akan memberikan sense of kesurutan kepada dia… dan dia pun akan surut dengan sendiri nya dari politik Sarawak yang kian menyurut. Minta maaflah kepada YB-YB Taib yang akan kita gulingkan semasa pilihanraya nanti. Kita bukan nak kenakan budak-budak tu, kita nak akhirkan zaman pemerintahan bapak budak tu. Percaya lah, ini lah satu taktik yang terbaik yang kita boleh fikirkan setakat ini. Kalau nak harapkan Baru Bian bertanding satu-lawan-satu dengan Taib, atau Anwar Ibrahim sekali bertanding melawan Taib, tak akan gugur Tok Uban di Bumi Kenyalang. Semakin bertambah ramai pulak bini dia nanti.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

SNAP Apa Kes?

Dua hari lepas, Sarawak Report melaporkan ujud rundingan antara SNAP dengan BN Pusat. Entah betul entah tidak, kita tak tau tapi apa yang dilaporkan memang nampak logik.

SNAP yang dah hampir nak berkubur setelah digantung pada 2002  tiba-tiba boleh jadi sangat kuat. Macamana dari minta hanya 3 kerusi untuk bertanding pada tahun lepas, bertambah kepada 10 kerusi kemudian bertambah lagi kepada 28 kerusi dan akhirnya nak bertanding 40 kerusi.

Yang lebih mencurigakan, SNAP boleh jadi mewah secara tiba-tiba. Katanya hampir semua bakal calom PKR termasu Baru Bian ditawar menyertai SNAP dengan tawaran insentif sehingga RM500,000 seorang.

Edwin Dundang, Presiden SNAP pulak katanya tiba-tiba jadi kaya-raya, boleh bawa trak pick-up Toyota Hilux mewah dan menjanjikan calon yang berprospek sebanyak RM300,000 untuk bertanding di kawasan masing-masing.

Sarawak Report dapat maklumat yang semua tu dari sumber BN pusat. Katanya strategi BN pusat adalah untuk mengecilkan kekuatan pembangkang di Sarawak dan dalam masa yang sama jugak tengah buat plan untuk menumbangkan Taib Mahmud yang dah jadi liabiliti kepada BN.

Kalau betul laporan Sarawak report tu, memang SANP boleh dianggap pengkhianat rakyat Sarawak. Laporan penuh Sarawak Report tu boleh di baca di sini

Walau bagaimanapun, SNAP menafikan perkara tu. Malaysiakini melaporkan:
Parti Nasional Sarawak (SNAP) menyifatkan laporan blog Sarawak Report yang mendakwa wujudnya perjanjian sulit antara parti itu dengan BN di Kuala Lumpur sebagai satu cerita rekaan yang paling teruk.

Sebaliknya, tegas setiausaha agung SNAP, Stanley Jugol (kiri), kebenarannya
ialah tidak pernah ada sebarang perjanjian antara SNAP dan BN.
Di samping itu, katanya, juga tidak pernah ada sebarang pertemuan antara ketua penerangan Umno, Datuk Ahmad Mazlan dengan pemimpin atau wakil SNAP baru-baru ini.

"Ataupun terdapat sebarang perjumpaan dengan mana-mana wakil BN untuk berunding," kata Stanley dalam satu kenyataan hari ini. - Mkini
Malaysiakini jugak melaporkan MCLM yang satu ketika dulu ada buat kerjasama dengan SNAP dah ambil keputusan untuk putuskan hubungan dengan SNAP.

Malaysiakini melaporkan:
Pergerakan Masyarakat Sivil Malaysia (MCLM) mengambil keputusan memutuskan perhubungannya dengan Parti Nasional Sarawak (Snap) dengan mendakwa mereka “curiga” berhubung akriviti terbaru parti yang dihidupkan semula itu.

Objektif utama kerjasama dengan Snap, kata presiden MCLM, Haris Ibrahim adalah bagi menangani masalah masyarakat terpinggir di Sarawak dengan usaha menamatkan pemerintahan 30 tahun Ketua Menteri, Tan Sri Taib Mahmud.

"Tujuan kami adalah bagi menubuhkan sebuah kerajaan pro-rakyat,” kata Haris sambil menambah MCLM sejak beberapa hari kebelakangan ini mendapat maklumat bahawa calon Snap dan beberapa pemimpinnya secara tiba-tiba mendapat dana yang besar.

"Kami dimaklumkan bahawa dana itu diperolehi dari Kuala Lumpur atas arahan daripadan BN,” kata Haris pada sidang media di Kuala Lumpur hari ini.

"Tiada bukti konklusif tetapi dalam situasi seperti ini, anda jarang mendapat bukti hitam putih,” katanya.

Jika maklumat itu benar, menurut Haris, ia satu pengkhianatan paling teruk kepada rakyat yang telah ditekan selama 30 tahun. - Mkini
Memang tak mustahil apa yang didakwa Sarawak Report tu betul walaupun SNAP menafikannya. Lagipun, ramai yang kata stail orang politik di Sarawak memang macam tu,  memang kebanyakkannya lebih berminat kepada duit. Lagipun, memang kebanyakkannya pernah bersama dalam BN, bersama-sama memerintah Sarawak dan dalam masa yang sama bersama-sama Taib Mahmud songlap harta rakyat Sarawak.

Tapi, kalau pun betul apa yang Sarawak Report laporkan tu, aku masih tetap rasa PKR tak patut tamak di Sarawak. Aku tetap rasa PKR patut berlembut dengan tuntutan SNAP.
Dalam politik, betul atau salah bukan penentu kemenangan tapi tapi kemenangan lebih bergantung kepada persepsi. Macamana mengujudkan persepsi yang akan diterima oleh pengundi.

Kalau pengundi dah yakin untuk mengundi satu-satu parti atau seseorang calon, buat la apa pun, memang payah depa nak berubah kecuali kalau main duit beli undi walaupun memang tak semua orang boleh dibeli. Tapi, sebenarnya, tak perlu pun beli semua pengundi untuk menang.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Olof Palme,sosialisme dan realiti hari ini.

Dalam dingin 28 Februari 1986,pemimpin Sosial Demokrat dan Perdana Menteri Sweden,Olof Palme ditembak mati oleh orang yang tidak dikenali.Olof Palme,yang terkenal dengan ketegasan menentang hegemoni Amerika dalam benua Eropah,terkenal sebagai seorang sosialistas revolusioner tanpa militer di Eropah Barat.

Dengan revolusi reformisnya,dasar-dasar ekonominya jelas dan terang tanpa berbelah bahagi,tanpa mengikut Marxis,Stalinis atau Troykis,Olof Palme tetap dengan garis panduan sosialis demi kemakmuran negara Sweden.

Ingin sekali saya menyentuh tentang kerelevanan sosialis dengan situasi ekonomi dunia pada masa kini,Olof Palme jelas sekali mengagih-agihkan kekayaan negara Sweden kepada rakyat,kerana rakyat yang paling berhak menikmati kehidupan yang selesa,bukannya segelintir golongan komprador lintah penghisap darah.

Situasi ekonomi yang ada pada hari ini adalah kerana budaya kita yang "biar papa asal bergaya",dan melupakan fungsi asal barang-barang yang kita miliki.Kita prefer makan di restoran mewah,dengan seketul daging kecil,dihias dengan warna-warna kerana kelihatan "presentative",sehingga kita sanggup membayar harga yang tinggi untuk secebis daging itu.Hotel-hotel diberi gred bintang,sedangkan fungsi asal hotel itu untuk tempat beristirehat,bukan untuk menunjuk-nunjuk kemewahan.

Saya sedikit pun tidak ada rasa belas kasihan kepada golongan pemilik banglo mewah di Bukit Antarabangsa,sedikit pun tidak.Niat asal mereka membina rumah-rumah di atas bukit-bukit jelas mahu menunjukkan kemewahan mereka,empayar kecil mereka,bahawa mereka seolah-olah memiliki harta-harta Tuhan.

Hari ini saya melihat ramai masyarakat kita membeli kasut hanya kerana jenama bukan kerana fungsi.Fungsi asalnya untuk melapik kaki kita dari tanah,bukan untuk menunjuk-nunjuk.Semahal mana kasut itu pun,tempatnya di tanah.Letak la I-pod,pelapik sejuk dan kontur kaki,akhirnya secebis getah itu akan dibuang dan dibeli baru.

Masalah ekonomi ini berlaku kerana kita gemar indulge diri kita dengan kemewahan.Kita tidak pernah berfikir tentang 30 peratus warga Afrika tidak ada sepatu sedang kita membeli kasut Nike.Kita tidak pernah terfikir setiap hari kanak-kanak mati kelaparan kerana malnutrisi sedang kita menikmati makanan mewah di hotel-hotel.

Olof Palme sanggup mengembara di negara-negara dunia ketiga,melihat kemiskinan dan kesengsaraan dengan mata sendiri,bagaimana kaum komprador membuli rakyatnya sendiri,diatas itu sekelompok kelompok kapitalis yang mahu memperkayakan diri mereka yang sedia kaya.

Olof Palme mungkin tidak sepopular Che Guevara,Castro,atau golongan revolusioner yang berjuang demi golongan marhein.Mungkin di kalangan sosialistas Olof Palme tidak begitu dikenali.Tetapi beliau adalah orang pertama yang meletakkan tapak sosialis di Eropah Barat.

Hari ini PM Britain Gordon Brown mengarahkan Bank of England(BOE) menurunkan kadar faedah kepada 3.5 mata,manakala Fed di Amerika sehingga 0 mata.Sosialis bakal sekali lagi berdiri gah.

Hari ini ada bunyi-bunyi pelbagai sistem ekonomi.Sistem ekonomi Islam,sistem ekonomi bersepadu,macam-macam.Namakan apa sekalipun,dolar,ringgit,rupiah atau dinar emas sekalipun,motifnya hanya keuntungan dan keuntungan akan terus indulge diri kita sehingga kita lupa diri.Itu yang berlaku kepada khalifah Abd-ar-Rahman yang membazirkan dinar emas rakyat kepada kota Medina Az-Zahra untuk gundiknya yang tercinta.Kita selalu dialun-alunkan oleh pak imam,sheikh,dan sebagainya tentang sistem ekonomi Islam tetapi kepincangannya tidak pernah dibincang.

Ada rakan saya berkata dalam sistem ekonomi Islam tidak ada cukai,1/5 dari hasil bumi adalah percuma,dan sebagainya.Jika tiada cukai,bagaimana ingin membiayai kebajikan rakyat sedangkan kerajaan tidak ada wang?Bagaimana ingin mentadbir kalau urus tadbir birokrat tidak ada wang?Dari mana?Zakat?Zakat untuk fakir miskin.1/5 dari hasil bumi adalah percuma,bagaimana jika negara itu tiada hasil bumi?Kita ada beberapa negara,Singapura,Monaco,bahkan sebuah negara Islam Maldives pun tidak ada hasil bumi.Bagaimana?

Retorik-retorik oleh pak sheikh ini,bak kata Ezreen "seperti pakcik pakai kopiah suka cakap kuat-kuat" ini sebenarnya mahu dana kewangan negara terus disalurkan kepada mereka,dalam bahasa yang lebih kurang ajar tapi mudah difahami,"membeli kuasa dengan agama,untuk wang dan keuntungan".Jika tidak,bagaimana kerajaan Islam Pas Kedah tidak sanggup menolak projek khinzir di Bukit Silambau?Atau terus merosakkan muka bumi Kedah dengan memotong pokok-pokok hutan di kawasan Ulu Sungai Muda,di kawasan tadahan air.

Dalam sosialisme harta bumi ialah harta rakyat.Tidak ada percentage 1/5 atau sebagainya.Cukai dikenakan ke atas golongan kaya,supaya dapat diagihkan sama rata.Bukan kerana mahu memupuk sifat kemalasan,tetapi mahu membentuk sifat bantu-membantu di kalangan masyarakat.Sosialisme tidak menentang perniagaan,tetapi menentang sifat tamak.Tidak kira apa sekali matawang itu,tamak itu akan terus ada,termasuk dinar emas.Dan ia hanya akan menampan inflasi,selebihnya akan berlaku defisit dalam wang rakyat,kerana si tamak haloba sudah habis mengikis emas.

Ada yang berkata Pas dari dulu hingga kini komited dengan Islam,tetapi bila sudah dapat kerajaan Kedah,apa sudah jadi?

Olof Palme bukan beragama Islam,tetapi jika beliau mahu lakukan sesuatu,beliau akan wujudkan referendum kepada rakyat Sweden,sama ada setuju atau tidak.Hak dikembali kepada rakyat,tanpa soal.Tapi Azizan Abdul Razak?

Walaupun bukan beragama Islam,contohilah sifat amanah Perdana Menteri Sweden ini,Olof Palme.

Pada saat kematiannya,beliau hanya mati di pangkuan isterinya,kerana tidak mengupah sekuriti melindunginya.Beliau sosialistas yang berani berhadapan dengan bahaya.Itu baru pemimpin namanya.

Sumber Aktikel:

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Inikah Ustazah berilmu? Dato‘ Ustazah Siti Nor Bahyah bte Mahmood

Inikah Ustazah berilmu? Dato‘ Ustazah Siti Nor Bahyah bte Mahmood

Originally posted at

Written by gkm2020

Dato‘ Ustazah Siti Nor Bahyah bte Mahmood has asked Muslims to refrain from celebrating Valentine’s Day, urging them not to emulate the vices of Christians.
Ustazah Siti, 47, had made the remark during an Islamic educational program aired on TV9, which is owned by the UMNO linked media conglomerate Media Prima. In the clip, Siti claimed that it was the Christians who normally indulged in vice, such as frequenting discos and dating.

By the way, which Malaysian race has the most dumping of babies by un-wed mums, “mat rempits” and drug addicts belong to which religion?
She should focus and offer more solutions on these social problems above rather than trying to imply that Christians go dark corners and have “sex” on Valentine Day.

I wonder how would she feel if we, Christians and/or Non-Muslim, started saying every “Malam Jumaat” is a compulsory “sex” day for all Muslims? In today’s world we need tolerance. “Tolerance” is an important trait that a lot of people don’t have, but need.

Do you really think that Christianity is “agama sundal” or a “pariah religion”? Or do you really think that being a Christian, we are all “dirt sinners” or “pagan” or “unbeliever”? Or do you think being a Christian, we are “enemies” of God/Allah? If so, I forgive you truly.

Psalm 51:5 – “Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity, And in sin my mother conceived me”.
1 John 3:4 – “Everyone who practices sin also practices lawlessness; and sin is lawlessness”.
Matthew 18:3 – “Truly I say to you, unless you are converted and become like children, you shall not enter the kingdom of heaven”.

By Celebrating Valentine’s Day “Maruah Tergadai?

“Selalunya buat maksiat, pergi disko… bercouple-couple, bersunyi-sunyian, ini adalah tradisi bagi masyarakat yang beragama Kristian bukan agama Islam…,” she had said.
“Dan apa yang berlaku disebailk mawar rose ini akhirnya hanya dengan harga RM12 sekumtum….hanya dengan harga yang mungkin RM100 secampak bunga rose dihadiahkan oleh seorang boy friend…kekasih dan sebagainya maruah tergadai….,” she added.

What would You see, if your husband gave you those roses; will your “maruah tergadai”? Or is it ‘Haram’ for all Muslims to display “roses” during a wedding day and/or other fiesta? Is “Rose” a symbol of Valentine Day or it’s just a flower symbolizing a honor of Love OR “Sex”? Why blame “Valentine Day” if someone abuse it and commit sin for illicit sex?
A video-clip of the program, posted on YouTube, had sparked off a raging debate; please view here: Valentine Supporting Christianity & English?
Although the program was posted about a year ago, it is only now the video clip is being widely circulated and posted in numerous blogs. The video, which had been viewed more than 100,000 times, also had the Ustazah warning Muslims that celebrating Valentine’s Day would mean “supporting Christianity and the English”.

What is Valentine Day?

Valentine Day or St. Valentine Day, remember that you are loved. God loves you and wants you to be His valentine. The love that God gives us is not like the world’s love.

Valentine’s Day (V-Day) is no longer part of the official liturgical calendar of any Christian church; it was dropped from the Catholic calendar in 1969. It’s not a feast, a celebration, or a memorial of any martyrs and it was never written in the Holy Bible.
Today it’s more like a pagan-like tradition and commercialized elements honoring “Lover’s Day” just like “Mother’s Day”, “Father’s Day” and Children’s Day, to signify appreciation of loved ones.
To celebrate V-Day or not is entirely up to each individual. Furthermore, Valentine’s Day has long since been capitalized upon by marketers as a commercial opportunity for themselves, and not one that is promulgated by Christianity. It is universally celebrated secularly.
The world’s love is only as sturdy as a paper Valentine’s card. But God’s love is not a flimsy, cheap imitation: it is the real thing. It is an all-giving love that was and is willing to suffer and die for our deliverance.
Will you be God’s valentine? It is your choice. Say yes and give to God the love He desires. And when you do, remember the first Valentine and how he gave everything, including his life, to the God he loved.

Valentine’s Day promotes “Love”

Valentine’s Day does not promote “illicit sex” or “free sex” or “sex for hire” or “sex for sale” as has been interpreted. Isn’t Love what we need today?

Showing some expression and appreciation of Love in the open is much healthier than that done behind closed doors and illicitly. Why are babies being dumped? Because the babies have been conceived illicitly and you know who has been doing this? Your guess is as good as mine!

Please be more prudent when revealing statements. Islam says a Man can practice polygamy but do Muslim Women sincerely accept this with openness and determination. Ustazah fails to acknowledge and understand the meaning of Valentine.

Ustazah Siti is most probably in a lost world unable to deter the brutal act of terrorism currently in certain states; using the name of Islam to execute innocent even during a funeral or any other gathering. By the way there is no Religion and/or Kings or Man on Earth as exclusive and superior than our Almighty God!

But a good knowledgeable teacher will never under mind any religion for I believe religion means GOD to me and each act and purpose is done by their own where GOD forbidden man to do evil. Ustazah Siti you got to Change for the sake of Love, Peace and Righteousness of 1Malaysia!

The amount of sedition

Malaysian Consultative Council of Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism and Taoism (MCCBCHST) President Thomas Philips said no religion should be belittled due to a lack of understanding. Article 5 and Article 11 of the Federal Constitution, which guarantee liberty of person and freedom of religion, should be respected.

“We should not belittle any religion just because we don’t understand it. Her comments were not in context as she wrongly understood that Valentine’s Day was a Christian festival,” said Thomas Philips.
“I believe we as a society are all matured and we know what’s wrong and what’s right. Christians know what’s right and wrong too.
“Valentine’s Day is a day where people express their Love, I don’t see what’s wrong with letting people have that freedom. It’s all individual choices and we should be above all this,” he said.

Human Rights Party protem secretary-general P. Uthayakumar said that Siti’s comments were uncalled for and insensitive.
“It borders on religious extremism and is borne out of a narrow minded view,” he said. Uthayakumar also claimed that since it was aired on national TV, it meant that Siti’s comments were state sanctioned.

Meanwhile, MIC has expressed shock over the remarks of a religious teacher who claimed that it was the Christians who often indulged in vice. MIC leader said if Malaysians were to move forward as a nation, it was imperative that educators had the right understanding, depth and compassion.
“It’s alarming that a person of such standing holds such prejudice and bias against Christians. It shows her total lack of understanding about Christianity and its followers,” said Party Information Chief S. Murugesan.

Murugesan said the problem of educators themselves becoming “blinkered and prejudiced” had become more apparent in recent years.
“It’s imperative that all our educators first understand and respect other religions. It’s laudable to promote the values of your own religion but don’t condemn others,”
“Set our educators right as they will mold our youths,” he added.
We should not have a government that interferes with the rights of Malaysians to practice their own religion; we should not restrict Muslims from their private affairs. In Indonesia, where 90% of the 230 million populations are Muslims, a girl can convert from Islam to marry a non-Muslim; but why are we different?
If the Malaysian standard was applied on Siti, her comments amount to sedition then this does not augur well for the 1Malaysia policy that our Prime Minister is promulgating.


How can you celebrate St. Valentine’s Day in a way that honors the original Valentine, who was martyred for his devotion to God?

First, give your life to Christ.
Second, declare the truth about God’s love even if it costs you something.
Third, become a servant to those you love, rather than demanding that your needs be met. “Be my Valentine”, it simply means “You are Loved.”
Lastly, local media should be sensitive and responsible media; if such issue is religious sensitive then cancel the program. Thank you.

Monday, January 17, 2011


United Borneo Front demands for the following, among others :

(a) The establishment of a Compliance Mechanism to the Malaysian Agreement 1963, especially Article VIII (8);

(b) A fairer revenue sharing formula and representation at the federal level;

(c) Restore Sabah and Sarawak status as equal partners in the Federation;

(d) Protect the native rights as enshrined in Article 153 of the Malaysian Constitution;

(e) The abolishment of the Cabotage / Transportation / Trade Policies;

(f) Narrow the economic and digital divide;

(g) Resolve the illegal immigrants and fake IC problems in Sabah.

Monday, January 10, 2011


Malaysian Dayak Congress (MDC) is a political party in Malaysia representing the Dayak indigenous population. It is based in Sarawak state and is formed by supporters of the deregistered Parti Bangsa Dayak Sarawak. The MDC submitted the relevant documents for registration on 6 May 2005.
However, up until now, the party never received its status as legal political party's status in Malaysia from Registrar of Societies (ROS).

1.   (ARTICLE  1)

No nod for MDC
May 5, 06
The Malaysian Dayak Congress (MDC) will not be registered before the Sarawak election, its pro tem chairperson Nicholas Bawin said today. 

He told malaysiakini that this disappointing message was conveyed by Deputy Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak following a meeting in Putrajaya this morning. 

“He informed us that the party would not be registered before nomination day (May 9). It may be registered after the polls,” Bawin added. 

The application for registration was submitted about a year ago and Bawin and other party officials had lobbied through various channels in Kuala Lumpur. 

The state Barisan Nasional, especially the Dayak-based PRS and SPDP, have objected strongly to the registration on the ground it will split the Dayaks further. 

Bawin said Najib asked during the 40-minute meeting why they wanted to form MDC as it would split the community further politically. 

On Snap ticket 

He explained that the present Dayak-based parties were not performing and not looking after the interests of the community. 

Also the delegation were MDC pro tem deputy chairperson Dr Johnicol Rayong and an Orang Ulu lawyer Baru Bian. 

Bawin said Najib then informed them he would report to the Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi on their meeting today. 

"As the outcome of the meeting was not a postive one for us, we do not expect the MDC to be registered before the polls, maybe only after," Bawin said. 

Candidates proposed by MDC will now have to consider other options to contest - either as Independents or on Sarawak National Party (Snap) ticket. Former deputy chief minister Daniel Tajem who is expected to stand in Bukit Begunan and Bawin who will contest in Batang Ai are expected to use either Snap symbol or as Independents using a common symbol.

2.    (ARTICLE 2)

Malaysian Dayak Congress letter to Britian

Posted by: Jetty
Briefing to House of Lords
Representatives from the Dayak community of Sarawak should have been invited to attend abriefing at the House of Lords regarding the plight of the Malaysian Indians on 8 December 2008. After all, the plights of the Dayaks and Indians are almost the same.
British Conservative Shadow Minister for Education and a Member of the House of Lords, Baroness Verma of Leicester hosted the briefing on the plight of minority Indian rights of Malaysia. The briefing followed a letter written to the British Government by the Hindu Rights Action Force (HINDRAF) in November last year and later HINDRAF demonstrations to highlight their problems.

Purpose of the Briefing
Held at the House of Lords on behalf of the friends of minority communities in Malaysia, the purpose of the briefing was for members of the House of Lords and House of Commons to obtain a true picture on the plight of the ethnic minority Indian community in Malaysia.
Giving the briefing were the Director of Public Policy of Hindu American Foundation Ishani Chowdhury, Director of Centre for Public Policy Studies Malaysia Tricia Yeoh, Human Rights Advocate Malaysia P. Waythamoorthy and Editor of Malaysiakini K. Kabilan.

Dayak IS NOT invited to give any brief
It is sad that Malaysian Dayaks have not been invited to attend the briefing even though we wrote a letter to the British High Commission. In fact the protem secretary general of the yet-to-be registered Malaysian Dayak Congress (MDC) wrote a letter a month earlier than the HINDRAF, to the British High Commission.
Copies of the letter were sent to Foreign Minister, Minister of Home Affairs, Registrar of Societies and American Embassy regarding the gross injustices and discrimination by the authorities against the Dayaks who were once the British subjects before Sarawak, Sabah, Singapore and Malaya formed the federation of Malaysia on 16 September 1963. Our letter was apparently ignored as we did not organise “strikes to highlight our problems” as the Indians did or that we were/are a coward lot; or that we have become irrelevant.
Let me produce excerpts of the letter for all of us to see. (Full details of the letter are published in The Broken Shield – The Dayak Dilemma due to be out soon). The letter dated 18 October 2007 said: -

“We feel that we have the right to bring to the attention of Her Majesty Government, as our former colonial masters regarding our plight, hoping that Her Majesty can advise the Malaysian authorities to accord the Dayak community the privileges and rights as enshrined in the Inter-Governmental Committee (IGC) report and the Malaysian Agreement.
“Our customary rights over land, with the passing of amendments to the Land Code have been taken away from the Dayaks and are being given to rich businessmen or companies under the guise of Provisional Lease for the cultivation of oil palm in big scales. While other communities have progressed by leaps and bounds, the Dayaks have remained mired in the doldrums of poverty, little better, if at all, as they had been under the British tutelage. There is a difference, however, while the British Government guaranteed the rights to land held under customary laws, but in our present situation the opposite seems to operate adversely against the Dayak community.
“As if these discriminations are not enough, the Dayaks are not even allowed to form a party of their own to articulate their political, educational, cultural, economic and social aspirations. What Dayak-based parties they had in the past were being deregistered one by one – first the authorities deregistered Sarawak National Party (SNAP) and then Parti Bansa Dayak Sarawak (PBDS) both on flimsiest reasons. The Dayaks who number about 60% of the State population are encouraged to be members of every political party by the BN leaders. This is a subtle way of ‘divide and rule’ community.
“Following the deregistration of PBDS in October 2004, some ex-PBDS members on 6 May 2005 submitted an application to registerMalaysian Dayak Congress (MDC).
After more than one year of submission, the application was rejected by the Registrar of Societies on 19 July 2006 under Article 7 (3) of the Societies Act giving reasons that MDC would be a potential threat to national security for its rejection.
“It is in this light that we the protem committee members and the Dayak community who were once Her Majesty’s subjects appeal to Her Majesty Government to put pressure on the Malaysian Government.”
Strange it may seem, the Indians have also taken a similar course of action against the British Government, except that they were more aggressive, more demanding and took their problems to the streets. So on 25 November 2007, they launched what is famously known as the HINDRAF (Hindu Rights Action Force) march to the British High Commission handing a note to Her Majesty Government.
Although the Dayaks have missed the first briefing, it is hoped that another briefing may be called specifically to hear the grouses of the Dayaks. Through this blog we appeal to the British High Commission to arrange for the protem committee members to meet any British leader, British MP, or staff of the High Commission so that the committee members can brief any one of them on the plight of the Dayaks. – The Broken Shield

3.   (ARTICLE 3)

The Minister of Home Affairs has rejected the appeal of Malaysian Dayak Congress (MDC) to register it as a political party on grounds of security and public order.

In a letter dated 9 April 2008, signed by an official of the Ministry said that the Minister after a careful investigation and consideration has to reject the appeal to register Malaysian Dayak Congress.

“The appeal is rejected based on Section 7(3)(a) of the Societies Act 1966 on grounds that its registration can cause a threat to security and public order,” the official said in the letter.

However, if the applicants were still interested to pursue the MDC registration then they should submit a fresh application to the Registrar of Societies (ROS).

In revealing this today, Joseph Tawie, Protem Information Chief of Malaysian Dayak Congress said that the application to register MDC was submitted on 6 May 2004. The Registrar of Societies rejected it on security grounds under Section 7(3)(a) on 19 July 2006.

The protem committee on 12 August 2006 appealed against the decision of the Registrar to the Minister of Home Affairs.

“Now the Minister has rejected our appeal under the same Section,” said Tawie, who expressed deep regret over the decision of the minister.

Section 7 (3) says:
 “The Registrar shall refuse to register a local society where - (a) it appears to him that such local society is unlawful under the provisions of this Act or any other written law or is likely to be used for unlawful purposes or any purpose prejudicial to or incompatible with peace, welfare, security, public order, good order or morality in Malaysia;”

Tawie said the protem committee members will meet in the next few days whether to submit a fresh application or not.
But in the meantime two options are open to tens of thousands ex-PBDS members who have remained partyless since the deregistration of Parti Bansa Dayak Sarawak (PBDS) on 21 October 2004. (Before its deregistration PBDS had nearly 200,000 members.)

One is for them to join Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) and the other is to join any of the existing parties in the State.

Personally, I will call on the ex-PBDS members to find a leader and in a group
 let us all join PKR, hoping that one day PKR together with DAP and PAS will form not only the State government of Sarawak, but also the Federal government.

Only with a change of government can we change laws that are harmful to the Natives.
 - The Broken Shield

4.   (ARTICLE  4)

Following a brief interview with BERNAMA yesterday, the following article was published in The New Straits Time Online, today 18 Jan 2009.
By: Caroline Jackson, BERNAMA
KUCHING, Sun.: The pro-tem committee members of the yet-to-be-registered Malaysian Dayak Congress (MDC) will decide soon whether to make a fresh application to the Registrar of Societies (ROS), its protem information chief Joseph Tawie said.

He said, alternatively, party members, comprising former Parti Bansa Dayak Sarawak PBDS) members who remained partyless, could join Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) or other political parties in the state.
“We (MDC) have received a number of invitations to join the opposition but we are still holding on as we have yet to decide on the next course of action,” he told Bernama today.

The Home Ministry, in a letter dated April 9 last year, rejected MDC’s appeal to be registered as a political party on grounds that its registration could pose a threat to security and public order.

The pro-tem committee members had appealed against the ROS’ decision to the Home Minister in August 2006, after an application to register the MDC, submitted on May 6, 2004, was rejected on July 19, 2006.

Following the deregistration of PBDS on Oct 21, 2004, many of its 200,000 members opted to join its offshoot, the Parti Rakyat Sarawak (PRS), a state Barisan Nasional (BN) component party while “tens of thousands ex-PBDS members remained partyless,” Tawie said.

In the May 2006 state election, MDC candidates had to contest under the opposition Sarawak National Party (SNAP) tickets as its registration could not be approved on time. ROS, meanwhile, advised the applicants to submit a fresh application if they were still interested to pursue the MDC registration.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

New White Rajah

By John Doe

Salam Sejahtera, fellow Dignitaries of the Council, members of the New Parliament. As we convene for the First Inaugural Parliamentary Meeting for the Sovereign State of New Borneo, I'd like to first thank the Country of Malaysia for officially allowing our country to secure peaceful independence. Without which, today would not be possible.

I'd also like to congratulate all the peoples of Borneo for waiting so patiently till today for your kindness, and for having reinstated me, John Doe, as your New White Rajah. I feel deeply honored that that I was chosen to help lead your country into independence, and hope that during my short tenure of 5 years, I will be able to live up to the expectations of my ancestor, James Brooke.

For the Record, the Brooke Family was NOT a Colonizing Family. Anyone in Borneo will testify that the people insisted that the Brooke Family continued to stay, despite my family wanting to return to England. Fort Magherita shall be my official residence. And all UMNO offices shall be converted into a Dump-Site, out of severe “respect” for the Malaysian Government.

I would like to stress that I will only be serving this non-renewable-term of 5 years, after-which this position must be taken over by a local person. As first order of the day, let us peruse key points of the Constitution of New Borneo. The official name is to be called New Borneo. This is the original name of the island (unlike the Tanah Melayu crap). It comprises of 2 sovereign states of Sabah and Sarawak. I put forward the proposal to change the name from “Division 1”, “Division 2” and so on to a more inclusive name. Divisiveness is an UMNO trait, which we do not want to carry into this brand new country. Legislators, please note.

The official flower is the Rafflesia, and the official mascot will be the Orang Utan. Would Malaysia kindly note that you will have to remove your mascot, because there are NO known Orang Utans there on the Peninsular, other than the uncouth practice of delinquent and uneducated UMNO members who call each other such names. And you have merely borrowed our icon for your advertising purposes, when we remained under your colony. “Yes, You're Welcome”.

The new National Anthem is to be determined by the people. And it must not be a copy of “Terang Bulan” or “Mamula Moon”; which Negaraku is copied from. And the New National Anthem must not sound like some Military March as if Hitler was in-charge or something. Make sure it sounds better, and more romantic than “America the Beautiful”.

And now for housekeeping issues. Elections shall commence as soon as the new territories are drawn up. Each constituency shall comprise of circa 30,000 people give or take 20%. Unlike in Malaysia, where Putrajaya has 4,500, and Theresa Kok has 75,000 voters, all competing for the same voting power in Parliament. There shall be no such rubbish under New Borneo.

A new Oil Company called Borneo Petroleum Company (BPC) shall be responsible for all the oil procurement in this country. For the first 5 years under my tenure, 50% of all oil revenue will be equally distributed among the population regardless of race or creed. This new Drastic Economic Plan (DEP) is to ensure that poverty is completely eradicated once and for all. With the view that we catch up with the rest of the world. After-which, we will allow the forces of Laissez Faire take over. It will be a Free-Economy. There shall be no taxes for the next 20 years to spur creativity, businesses, and entrepreneurship. Foreign investors are however, still subject to Taxes, but this will in turn be fed directly for Healthcare purposes (see below).

The new currency shall be called the Borneo Dollar. It shall be pegged to the Singapore and Brunei Dollar, over a linear slope over the next 5 years. One thought just occurred to me though, with Singapore, Sabah and Sarawak out of the picture now, should Malaysia be renamed Malaya? Just a thought... just a thought...

ALL illegal logging shall be banned. Anyone so much as cut down a tree shall be Jailed. However, we will make tree-replanting compulsory, and the information shall be made public at all times. OSA, ISA, and so on, were dark chapters of our Colonized past. Never to be repeated. Sandakan, Kudat, KK, Miri, Bintulu, and Kuching shall be made Free Ports, and a new Naval Base will be set up in Lahad Datu to combat the terrorists streaming from the Sulu and Mindanao areas. On this note, I would like to stress that National Service will be in effect. And the Elite Forces shall be called “Borneo Rangers”; a Tribute to the past and Glorious “Sarawak Rangers”. Nepalese Gurkha's, SAS, and US Marines will be brought in to train the rookies.

I leave the locals to decide what to do with Bakun (the fiasco) Damn Dam. The Damn Bakun Dam has caused irreversible damage to the environment. Not to mention the amount of corruption. And the 10,000 People, whose homes the Malaysian Government destroyed. The second damn dam lies in Bario. Where it worked for only 5 minutes the first day it was built. This came at a staggering cost of RM14 million for a small Hydroelectric Damn Dam. This was 14 years ago, and the Kelabits who live there stil do not have electricity, other than personal Generator sets.

Fuel, by the way was RM8.50 per litre in 2005. This is ridicuous. Especially for a state which produces oil. No longer will fuel in New Borneo be 20% more expensive than the Peninsular. Fuel will remain at ONE Borneo Dollar per litre for the next 20 years. However, during this time, we shall also explore other sustanable fuel alternatives. Such as Solar, and harnessing Wave-Technology to generate electricity. Petroleum based cars shall also be replaced by Electric Cars soon. New Borneo will host the Largest Electric Car Manufacturers in the World.

Schools shall be completely free. And New Universities shall be setup, and we will import the best lecturers and teachers from Harvard, Cambridge, Oxford, and the likes of such Ivy League Schools. There will be NO marking-on-a-curve. However, if you fail three times, you will be expelled from the Education system. You, the people of Borneo will have to be strong. You will have to be brave. In a meritocratic country, there is no safety-net to save your butt. If you fail, you will fail. (The unemployed will have to register with the Department. They will be given temporary Food Vouchers, but they must also show that they have gone for interviews, at least twice a week.) There will also be free Healthcare. Again, doctors will be imported from the best Medical Research Centers from France, Japan, and so on.

On the issue of religion, there shall be NO official Religion in Borneo. Religion is a personal belief, and should stay that way. No Government Official shall impose his religion on others. No one shall use his “religiosity” to circumvent academic achievements. Civil Servants will be Civil SERVANTS. They shall never be Civil LORDS like those in Malaysia. Again, three warnings, and you will be fired. Every Civil SERVANT works FOR the Public. NOT the other way around. Just like different family members living under the same roof having different religion, we, the People of New Borneo shall too. Ketuanan anything is illegal in New Borneo.

As the third Largest Island in the world, we strive to be the third largest Economy in the world. In principle, with the immediate distribution of 50% oil revenues, New Borneo achieves First World Status Overnight. (ok, maybe we need to build a few more infrastructures to qualify)

New Borneo is not interested in building Phallic monuments. She wants progress. She wants a future, and she definitely does not want glorified Space Tourists prancing around town. You want to be a Space Tourist? Go pay for it yourself. Don't use government (aka the people's money) to do it. After all, they have Budget-Space-Tours now.

Final word, the words “Bumiputra”, “Ketuanan” and “Race”, with immediate effect are deemed “bad words”. On par with other “bad words” like FUCK, Pukimak, and so on. Use sparingly; preferably not at all.

Thank You Ladies and Gentlemen, please have a good rest. Much merriment is in store for you, and enjoy your new Found Freedom.

God Bless New Borneo

Signed John Doe

New White Rajah
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