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Sunday, February 20, 2011

Olof Palme,sosialisme dan realiti hari ini.

Dalam dingin 28 Februari 1986,pemimpin Sosial Demokrat dan Perdana Menteri Sweden,Olof Palme ditembak mati oleh orang yang tidak dikenali.Olof Palme,yang terkenal dengan ketegasan menentang hegemoni Amerika dalam benua Eropah,terkenal sebagai seorang sosialistas revolusioner tanpa militer di Eropah Barat.

Dengan revolusi reformisnya,dasar-dasar ekonominya jelas dan terang tanpa berbelah bahagi,tanpa mengikut Marxis,Stalinis atau Troykis,Olof Palme tetap dengan garis panduan sosialis demi kemakmuran negara Sweden.

Ingin sekali saya menyentuh tentang kerelevanan sosialis dengan situasi ekonomi dunia pada masa kini,Olof Palme jelas sekali mengagih-agihkan kekayaan negara Sweden kepada rakyat,kerana rakyat yang paling berhak menikmati kehidupan yang selesa,bukannya segelintir golongan komprador lintah penghisap darah.

Situasi ekonomi yang ada pada hari ini adalah kerana budaya kita yang "biar papa asal bergaya",dan melupakan fungsi asal barang-barang yang kita miliki.Kita prefer makan di restoran mewah,dengan seketul daging kecil,dihias dengan warna-warna kerana kelihatan "presentative",sehingga kita sanggup membayar harga yang tinggi untuk secebis daging itu.Hotel-hotel diberi gred bintang,sedangkan fungsi asal hotel itu untuk tempat beristirehat,bukan untuk menunjuk-nunjuk kemewahan.

Saya sedikit pun tidak ada rasa belas kasihan kepada golongan pemilik banglo mewah di Bukit Antarabangsa,sedikit pun tidak.Niat asal mereka membina rumah-rumah di atas bukit-bukit jelas mahu menunjukkan kemewahan mereka,empayar kecil mereka,bahawa mereka seolah-olah memiliki harta-harta Tuhan.

Hari ini saya melihat ramai masyarakat kita membeli kasut hanya kerana jenama bukan kerana fungsi.Fungsi asalnya untuk melapik kaki kita dari tanah,bukan untuk menunjuk-nunjuk.Semahal mana kasut itu pun,tempatnya di tanah.Letak la I-pod,pelapik sejuk dan kontur kaki,akhirnya secebis getah itu akan dibuang dan dibeli baru.

Masalah ekonomi ini berlaku kerana kita gemar indulge diri kita dengan kemewahan.Kita tidak pernah berfikir tentang 30 peratus warga Afrika tidak ada sepatu sedang kita membeli kasut Nike.Kita tidak pernah terfikir setiap hari kanak-kanak mati kelaparan kerana malnutrisi sedang kita menikmati makanan mewah di hotel-hotel.

Olof Palme sanggup mengembara di negara-negara dunia ketiga,melihat kemiskinan dan kesengsaraan dengan mata sendiri,bagaimana kaum komprador membuli rakyatnya sendiri,diatas itu sekelompok kelompok kapitalis yang mahu memperkayakan diri mereka yang sedia kaya.

Olof Palme mungkin tidak sepopular Che Guevara,Castro,atau golongan revolusioner yang berjuang demi golongan marhein.Mungkin di kalangan sosialistas Olof Palme tidak begitu dikenali.Tetapi beliau adalah orang pertama yang meletakkan tapak sosialis di Eropah Barat.

Hari ini PM Britain Gordon Brown mengarahkan Bank of England(BOE) menurunkan kadar faedah kepada 3.5 mata,manakala Fed di Amerika sehingga 0 mata.Sosialis bakal sekali lagi berdiri gah.

Hari ini ada bunyi-bunyi pelbagai sistem ekonomi.Sistem ekonomi Islam,sistem ekonomi bersepadu,macam-macam.Namakan apa sekalipun,dolar,ringgit,rupiah atau dinar emas sekalipun,motifnya hanya keuntungan dan keuntungan akan terus indulge diri kita sehingga kita lupa diri.Itu yang berlaku kepada khalifah Abd-ar-Rahman yang membazirkan dinar emas rakyat kepada kota Medina Az-Zahra untuk gundiknya yang tercinta.Kita selalu dialun-alunkan oleh pak imam,sheikh,dan sebagainya tentang sistem ekonomi Islam tetapi kepincangannya tidak pernah dibincang.

Ada rakan saya berkata dalam sistem ekonomi Islam tidak ada cukai,1/5 dari hasil bumi adalah percuma,dan sebagainya.Jika tiada cukai,bagaimana ingin membiayai kebajikan rakyat sedangkan kerajaan tidak ada wang?Bagaimana ingin mentadbir kalau urus tadbir birokrat tidak ada wang?Dari mana?Zakat?Zakat untuk fakir miskin.1/5 dari hasil bumi adalah percuma,bagaimana jika negara itu tiada hasil bumi?Kita ada beberapa negara,Singapura,Monaco,bahkan sebuah negara Islam Maldives pun tidak ada hasil bumi.Bagaimana?

Retorik-retorik oleh pak sheikh ini,bak kata Ezreen "seperti pakcik pakai kopiah suka cakap kuat-kuat" ini sebenarnya mahu dana kewangan negara terus disalurkan kepada mereka,dalam bahasa yang lebih kurang ajar tapi mudah difahami,"membeli kuasa dengan agama,untuk wang dan keuntungan".Jika tidak,bagaimana kerajaan Islam Pas Kedah tidak sanggup menolak projek khinzir di Bukit Silambau?Atau terus merosakkan muka bumi Kedah dengan memotong pokok-pokok hutan di kawasan Ulu Sungai Muda,di kawasan tadahan air.

Dalam sosialisme harta bumi ialah harta rakyat.Tidak ada percentage 1/5 atau sebagainya.Cukai dikenakan ke atas golongan kaya,supaya dapat diagihkan sama rata.Bukan kerana mahu memupuk sifat kemalasan,tetapi mahu membentuk sifat bantu-membantu di kalangan masyarakat.Sosialisme tidak menentang perniagaan,tetapi menentang sifat tamak.Tidak kira apa sekali matawang itu,tamak itu akan terus ada,termasuk dinar emas.Dan ia hanya akan menampan inflasi,selebihnya akan berlaku defisit dalam wang rakyat,kerana si tamak haloba sudah habis mengikis emas.

Ada yang berkata Pas dari dulu hingga kini komited dengan Islam,tetapi bila sudah dapat kerajaan Kedah,apa sudah jadi?

Olof Palme bukan beragama Islam,tetapi jika beliau mahu lakukan sesuatu,beliau akan wujudkan referendum kepada rakyat Sweden,sama ada setuju atau tidak.Hak dikembali kepada rakyat,tanpa soal.Tapi Azizan Abdul Razak?

Walaupun bukan beragama Islam,contohilah sifat amanah Perdana Menteri Sweden ini,Olof Palme.

Pada saat kematiannya,beliau hanya mati di pangkuan isterinya,kerana tidak mengupah sekuriti melindunginya.Beliau sosialistas yang berani berhadapan dengan bahaya.Itu baru pemimpin namanya.

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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Inikah Ustazah berilmu? Dato‘ Ustazah Siti Nor Bahyah bte Mahmood

Inikah Ustazah berilmu? Dato‘ Ustazah Siti Nor Bahyah bte Mahmood

Originally posted at

Written by gkm2020

Dato‘ Ustazah Siti Nor Bahyah bte Mahmood has asked Muslims to refrain from celebrating Valentine’s Day, urging them not to emulate the vices of Christians.
Ustazah Siti, 47, had made the remark during an Islamic educational program aired on TV9, which is owned by the UMNO linked media conglomerate Media Prima. In the clip, Siti claimed that it was the Christians who normally indulged in vice, such as frequenting discos and dating.

By the way, which Malaysian race has the most dumping of babies by un-wed mums, “mat rempits” and drug addicts belong to which religion?
She should focus and offer more solutions on these social problems above rather than trying to imply that Christians go dark corners and have “sex” on Valentine Day.

I wonder how would she feel if we, Christians and/or Non-Muslim, started saying every “Malam Jumaat” is a compulsory “sex” day for all Muslims? In today’s world we need tolerance. “Tolerance” is an important trait that a lot of people don’t have, but need.

Do you really think that Christianity is “agama sundal” or a “pariah religion”? Or do you really think that being a Christian, we are all “dirt sinners” or “pagan” or “unbeliever”? Or do you think being a Christian, we are “enemies” of God/Allah? If so, I forgive you truly.

Psalm 51:5 – “Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity, And in sin my mother conceived me”.
1 John 3:4 – “Everyone who practices sin also practices lawlessness; and sin is lawlessness”.
Matthew 18:3 – “Truly I say to you, unless you are converted and become like children, you shall not enter the kingdom of heaven”.

By Celebrating Valentine’s Day “Maruah Tergadai?

“Selalunya buat maksiat, pergi disko… bercouple-couple, bersunyi-sunyian, ini adalah tradisi bagi masyarakat yang beragama Kristian bukan agama Islam…,” she had said.
“Dan apa yang berlaku disebailk mawar rose ini akhirnya hanya dengan harga RM12 sekumtum….hanya dengan harga yang mungkin RM100 secampak bunga rose dihadiahkan oleh seorang boy friend…kekasih dan sebagainya maruah tergadai….,” she added.

What would You see, if your husband gave you those roses; will your “maruah tergadai”? Or is it ‘Haram’ for all Muslims to display “roses” during a wedding day and/or other fiesta? Is “Rose” a symbol of Valentine Day or it’s just a flower symbolizing a honor of Love OR “Sex”? Why blame “Valentine Day” if someone abuse it and commit sin for illicit sex?
A video-clip of the program, posted on YouTube, had sparked off a raging debate; please view here: Valentine Supporting Christianity & English?
Although the program was posted about a year ago, it is only now the video clip is being widely circulated and posted in numerous blogs. The video, which had been viewed more than 100,000 times, also had the Ustazah warning Muslims that celebrating Valentine’s Day would mean “supporting Christianity and the English”.

What is Valentine Day?

Valentine Day or St. Valentine Day, remember that you are loved. God loves you and wants you to be His valentine. The love that God gives us is not like the world’s love.

Valentine’s Day (V-Day) is no longer part of the official liturgical calendar of any Christian church; it was dropped from the Catholic calendar in 1969. It’s not a feast, a celebration, or a memorial of any martyrs and it was never written in the Holy Bible.
Today it’s more like a pagan-like tradition and commercialized elements honoring “Lover’s Day” just like “Mother’s Day”, “Father’s Day” and Children’s Day, to signify appreciation of loved ones.
To celebrate V-Day or not is entirely up to each individual. Furthermore, Valentine’s Day has long since been capitalized upon by marketers as a commercial opportunity for themselves, and not one that is promulgated by Christianity. It is universally celebrated secularly.
The world’s love is only as sturdy as a paper Valentine’s card. But God’s love is not a flimsy, cheap imitation: it is the real thing. It is an all-giving love that was and is willing to suffer and die for our deliverance.
Will you be God’s valentine? It is your choice. Say yes and give to God the love He desires. And when you do, remember the first Valentine and how he gave everything, including his life, to the God he loved.

Valentine’s Day promotes “Love”

Valentine’s Day does not promote “illicit sex” or “free sex” or “sex for hire” or “sex for sale” as has been interpreted. Isn’t Love what we need today?

Showing some expression and appreciation of Love in the open is much healthier than that done behind closed doors and illicitly. Why are babies being dumped? Because the babies have been conceived illicitly and you know who has been doing this? Your guess is as good as mine!

Please be more prudent when revealing statements. Islam says a Man can practice polygamy but do Muslim Women sincerely accept this with openness and determination. Ustazah fails to acknowledge and understand the meaning of Valentine.

Ustazah Siti is most probably in a lost world unable to deter the brutal act of terrorism currently in certain states; using the name of Islam to execute innocent even during a funeral or any other gathering. By the way there is no Religion and/or Kings or Man on Earth as exclusive and superior than our Almighty God!

But a good knowledgeable teacher will never under mind any religion for I believe religion means GOD to me and each act and purpose is done by their own where GOD forbidden man to do evil. Ustazah Siti you got to Change for the sake of Love, Peace and Righteousness of 1Malaysia!

The amount of sedition

Malaysian Consultative Council of Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism and Taoism (MCCBCHST) President Thomas Philips said no religion should be belittled due to a lack of understanding. Article 5 and Article 11 of the Federal Constitution, which guarantee liberty of person and freedom of religion, should be respected.

“We should not belittle any religion just because we don’t understand it. Her comments were not in context as she wrongly understood that Valentine’s Day was a Christian festival,” said Thomas Philips.
“I believe we as a society are all matured and we know what’s wrong and what’s right. Christians know what’s right and wrong too.
“Valentine’s Day is a day where people express their Love, I don’t see what’s wrong with letting people have that freedom. It’s all individual choices and we should be above all this,” he said.

Human Rights Party protem secretary-general P. Uthayakumar said that Siti’s comments were uncalled for and insensitive.
“It borders on religious extremism and is borne out of a narrow minded view,” he said. Uthayakumar also claimed that since it was aired on national TV, it meant that Siti’s comments were state sanctioned.

Meanwhile, MIC has expressed shock over the remarks of a religious teacher who claimed that it was the Christians who often indulged in vice. MIC leader said if Malaysians were to move forward as a nation, it was imperative that educators had the right understanding, depth and compassion.
“It’s alarming that a person of such standing holds such prejudice and bias against Christians. It shows her total lack of understanding about Christianity and its followers,” said Party Information Chief S. Murugesan.

Murugesan said the problem of educators themselves becoming “blinkered and prejudiced” had become more apparent in recent years.
“It’s imperative that all our educators first understand and respect other religions. It’s laudable to promote the values of your own religion but don’t condemn others,”
“Set our educators right as they will mold our youths,” he added.
We should not have a government that interferes with the rights of Malaysians to practice their own religion; we should not restrict Muslims from their private affairs. In Indonesia, where 90% of the 230 million populations are Muslims, a girl can convert from Islam to marry a non-Muslim; but why are we different?
If the Malaysian standard was applied on Siti, her comments amount to sedition then this does not augur well for the 1Malaysia policy that our Prime Minister is promulgating.


How can you celebrate St. Valentine’s Day in a way that honors the original Valentine, who was martyred for his devotion to God?

First, give your life to Christ.
Second, declare the truth about God’s love even if it costs you something.
Third, become a servant to those you love, rather than demanding that your needs be met. “Be my Valentine”, it simply means “You are Loved.”
Lastly, local media should be sensitive and responsible media; if such issue is religious sensitive then cancel the program. Thank you.
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